Ela tem vinte anos
Vê a foto dos dois
Negros geniais músicos
Seus instrumentos nas mãos
Trazem o formato
Do riso
Das suas bocas.
Ela se pergunta
O que será que os dois conversam
Momentos antes e depois
Do momento da foto?
Dirá Pixinguinha – Eu vim
De uma roda de choro?
E Louis Armstrong – dirá
Que acabou de chegar
De New Orleans?
Ambos dirão ter medo do fim
Do choro e de New Orleans?
Ela tem vinte anos
Percebe na foto dos dois
O que foi dito antes e depois:
O sax de Pixinguinha
O trompete de Louis Armstrong
De tanta arte inspiração que trazem
Esses instrumentos moldados
Pelas bocas daqueles dois
Cantam terna eternamente
What a wonderful world.
She’s twenty years old
She looks at the picture
Black genius musicians
Their instruments in their hands
Got the shape
Of the smile
Of their mouths.
She asks herself
What about are they talking
Moments before and after
The very moment of the picture?
Does Pixinguinha say -
I just came from a choro session?
Does Louis Armstrong tell him -
I just arrived
From New Orleans?
Did they fear the end
Of choro and New Orleans?
She’s twenty years old
She understands perfectly
What have been said before and after:
Pixinguinhas’ sax
And Louis Armstrong’s trumpet
As much art inspiration they bring together
Those instruments shaped
By the mouths of them both
Forever and tenderly all they say is
What a wonderful world.
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